Thursday, October 27, 2011


You may have noticed that I changed the name of the blog again.  I'm fickle that way - I want something clever or catchy, not something boring and mundane.  So for now, the name is Padink.

Why "Padink" you may ask?  Well Padink was an adjective that my parents used to describe me in high school (and for all I know, they still may very well use it to continue to describe me).  It then became the personalized license plate on my car at the time.  They would often say that I "padink" around - meaning that I would goof around instead of doing some thing important.  Or I would continue to put off doing something important.  I don't think they would say that I was lazy - just easily distracted. 

I see the same pattern forming in Aria.  Grant and I will often say Squirl! when we witness Aria getting distracted after we have given her a task to complete.  (by the way the squirl reference comes from the movie Up! in case you didn't know)   It is funny and frustrating all at the same time.  How can I get upset with her for something that I myself do too?

So how does one break this pattern?  I'm not sure, but since I am at work right now I should probably finish my tasks at hand and stop "padinking" around...

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